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Idea to Prototype – The Essentials of Starting Your Lifestyle Business

Learn how to turn your business idea into a prototype while maintaining balance in your personal life. This course covers the essentials of starting a lifestyle business, from idea refinement to market fit and MVP creation, all designed to fit within your unique lifestyle.

Idea to Prototype – The Essentials of Starting Your Lifestyle Business
Estimated Course Duration

2 weeks

Course Description

Turn your passion into a testable, sustainable business without sacrificing your lifestyle. This course provides aspiring entrepreneurs with the essential steps to take an idea from concept to prototype, all while keeping personal priorities in mind. Learn how to refine your business idea, assess market fit, leverage your existing resources, and manage risks—ensuring your venture aligns with the lifestyle you want to maintain. By the end of this course, you'll have developed a lean MVP and validated it within your unique lifestyle framework, setting the stage for a successful lifestyle business.

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